Rule-Based Systems
- Application in Robotics
- Modelling of Side-Effects in Interactive Systems (Microlog)
- Modelling of Constraint Problems
- Compiler
- Query Planning and Optimization
- Benchmarking of Deductive Systems (rbench)
Publication History:
- Robotics and Other Interactive Systems
- Compiler
- Integrity Constraints
- Benchmarking of Deductive Systems
- Performance Analysis and Comparison of Deductive Systems and SQL
Databases - Stefan Brass and Mario Wenzel - Datalog 2.0 2019 - paper
- A New Benchmark Database and An Analysis of Transitive Closure
Runtimes - Stefan Brass and Mario Wenzel - WLP 2018 - paper
Publication History:
Computer Science in Teaching
- Declarative instead of Imperative Systems
- Automatic Generation and Grading of Exercises
- Clean Code in Beginner Examples
- Gender-sensitive Courses, Women in STEM
This page was last updated on 2024-06-24.