Documentation for the rbench Benchmark Database

This is a database to store benchmark results for programs that answer queries from large input data files, e.g. logic programming systems, deductive databases, relational databases, and graph databases/RDF stores.

The benchmarks were inspired by the OpenRuleBench, see also OpenRuleBench Download.

However, the OpenRuleBench scripts do not support executing the same benchmark for the same program multiple times. This is important to get reliable data, especially when one is also interested in slight differences. Since we are developing our own deductive database based on the Push Method, we are interested even in minor runtime improvements. Furthermore, it is very important for us to compare different versions of our software, or the same version with different compiler settings. Moreover, we run benchmarks on different machines with different operating systems. The OpenRuleBench scripts have no support for this (they were developed with a different application in mind, namely to get an overview of the performance of rule-based systems for semantic web applications).

One soon loses the overview if one keeps the measurements in simple text files. Therefore we developed a relational database to store and evaluate runtime measurements (and memory consumption, too).

A problem for fair benchmarks is to find the best settings for each systems for a given benchmark, e.g. which indexes should be used for a relational database. As we understood the OpenRuleBench, the developers of each system were ask to define the optimal configuration of their system for each benchmark. However, we did find some non-optimal configurations.

In order to give some confidence in our benchmark results, we tried several different settings for the same program and benchmark, and store the results in our benchmark database. In the main comparison, we use only the best settings, but in the database it can be seen what we tried and what were the results. Sometimes, it is not clear, what are the best settings, because most benchmarks are run on different input data files, and sometimes the best settings are different for different data files. However, for the main comparison of the systems, we require that for each benchmark there is only one setting manually selected as best. But our database contains all measurements, and one can check the alternatives.

Of course, we would be grateful for settings recommended by the system developers or experts for one of the systems we tested in our benchmarks.

Another design goal of our database was to be able to generate results in different formats (e.g. HTML, LaTeX, csv). In particular, we want to be able to generate a web site with the benchmark results more or less automatically (so that there are no errors in copying the data, and updates are simple).

Tables of the Relational Database

MACHINE: List of Machines on which Benchmarks are Executed

This table contains some data about the machines on which benchmarks were run. One machine is marked as the stardard machine by the value 'S' in column STATUS. However, the database permits to store and evaluate benchmark measurements for different machines with different architectures and operating systems.

INPUT_TYPE: List of Input Data (Problem Instance) Types

We have many input data files for the transitive closure benchmark, but since they contain general graph data, they can be used for different benchmarks. The entries in this table are used to classify data files. For instance, there are also data files for the DBLP benchmark and for the Join1 benchmark, and so on.

The currently defined input types are:

GRAPH Directed graph with edges stored in predicate par
JOIN1 Directed graph with edges in five relations: c2, c3, c4, d1, d2
DBLP DBLP data in an EAV table att
WINE Wine ontology facts

BENCHMARK: List of Benchmarks

This is the list of all benchmarks, e.g. 'tcff' is a benchmark identifier in column BENCH. It corresponds to the computation of the transitive closure with query 'tc(X,Y)', i.e. with both arguments free. Another benchmark, 'tcbf', is the computation of transitive closure with query 'tc(1,X)', i.e. the first argument bound (to a given value), and the second argument free.

The currently defined benchmarks are:

dblp 1 DBLP DBLP Benchmark
j1axy 2 JOIN1 The Join1 Benchmark, Query a(X,Y)
j1axyd 3 JOIN1 The Join1 Benchmark (without duplicate elimination)
tcff 4 GRAPH Transitive Closure Benchmark without Query Bindings
tcbf 5 GRAPH Transitive Closure Benchmark with the First Argument Bound
tcbfs 6 GRAPH Transitive Closure Benchmark, First Arg. Bound, with SLDMagic
tcfb 7 GRAPH Transitive Closure Benchmark with the Second Argument Bound
wine 8 WINE Wine Ontology Benchmark
loadd 9 DBLP Test of Loader for DBLP Data
loadt 10 GRAPH Test of Loader for Transitive Closure
set1 11 NULL Test of Set Insertion and Lookup (One Column)
set2 12 NULL Test of Set Insertion and Lookup (Two Columns)

PROG_TYPES: Program Types

This table defines broad classes of programs, e.g. Prolog systems and Relational Databases. We use it for generating subheadlines in the list of all tested programs.

The current entries are:

Prolog 1 Prolog Systems
Datalog 2 Datalog Systems
RDB 3 Relational Database Systems
Graph 4 Graph Databases and RDF Stores

PROGRAM: List of Programs to be Tested/Compared

The current list of programs is:

xsb 10 XSB Prolog
yap 11 YAProlog Prolog
swipl 12 SWI-Prolog Prolog
mercury 13 Melbourne Mercury Prolog
bam 21 Push (bam) Datalog
ydb 22 Push (ydb) Datalog
dlv 23 DLV Datalog
souffle 24 Souffle Datalog
datascript 25 Datascript Datalog
hsql 31 HSQLDB RDB
sqlite3 32 SQLite 3 RDB
mariadb 33 MariaDB RDB
psql 34 PostgreSQL RDB
jena 41 Apache Jena Graph

PROG_VER: Program Versions

This table contains information about program versions. Note that this table describes a version of the source code. PROG_INSTALL (below) describes a version of the program binary, which also depends on the machine, the compiler, compiler settings, and configuration settings.

xsb 3.7. (Clan MacGregor) 2016-07-06
xsb 3.8.0 (Three-Buck Chuck) 2017-10-28
yap 6.2.2 (x86_64-linux) 2011-10-21
yap 6.3.3 (x86_64-linux) 2013-01-20
swipl 7.7.15 (x86_64-linux) 2018-06-01
swipl 7.5.15 (x86_64-linux) 2017-09-12
swipl 7.6.4 (x86_64-linux) 2018-01-12
swipl 7.7.7 (x86_64-linux) 2017-12-21
ydb 0.1 2016-11-21
bam 0.1a 2018-04-24
souffle 1.0 NULL
datascript 0.16.6 2018-06-06
sqlite3 2014-10-29
sqlite3 3.22.0 2018-01-22
sqlite3 3.24.0 2018-06-04
sqlite3 3.25.1 2018-09-18
sqlite3 3.25.2 2018-09-25
psql 9.4.15 2017-11-09
mariadb 10.0.35 2018-05-03
mariadb 10.3.9 2018-08-15
jena 3.7.0 2018-04-05
jena 3.8.0 2018-06-25

PROG_INSTALL: Table for Installed Program Versions on Machines

This table lists program versions that are or were installed on a test machine. They are identified here by a number INSTALL that is unique together with the program name and the machine. These three elements (program, installation ID, and machine) are also encoded in the file names with the test results.

Whereas PROG_VER describes a version of the source code, PROG_INSTALL describes a binary program. For instance, if the same source code is compiled with g++ and with clang, these are two different entries in PROG_INSTALL, both referring to the same entry in PROG_VER. Also different configuration settings may give different binaries, and therefore different entries in PROG_INSTALL.

I try to make sure that the same version of a program gets the same INSTALL number even on different machines, but the database schema does not require this (and it is impossible when there are really different installations of the same program version).

Only program installations that are listed here can appear in the test runs.

This table also define a current version (more precisely, installation) of a program on a machine (by STATUS='C'). Some views show only results for the current version. It is also possible to define a previous version (STATUS='P') as reference, if the result of a program update should be evaluated. Finally, one can mark an alternative version (STATUS='A'), e.g. compiled with a different compiler or compiler options, which can also be used for comparison.

xsb 3.7. dbs1 1 C
xsb 3.8.0 dbs1 2 C
xsb 3.8.0 bach 2 C
yap 6.2.2 dbs1 1 C
yap 6.3.3 bach 2 C
swipl 7.7.15 dbs1 1 C
swipl 7.5.15 dbs1 2 P
swipl 7.6.4 dbs1 3 C
swipl 7.7.7 dbs1 4 C
ydb 0.1 bach 1 gcc version 4.8.5 (-O2) C
ydb 0.1 dbs1 1 gcc version 4.9.2 (-O2) C
bam 0.1a bach 1 gcc version 4.8.5 (-O2) C
bam 0.1a dbs1 1 gcc version 4.9.2 (-O2) C
souffle 1.0 dbs1 1 C
datascript 0.16.6 dbs1 1 node 10.5.0 C
sqlite3 dbs1 1 P
sqlite3 3.22.0 dbs1 2 P
sqlite3 3.24.0 dbs1 3 P
sqlite3 3.25.1 dbs1 4 C
sqlite3 3.25.2 dbs1 5 A
psql 9.4.15 dbs1 1 C
mariadb 10.0.35 dbs1 1 P
mariadb 10.3.9 dbs1 2 C
jena 3.7.0 dbs1 1 openJDK 8 P
jena 3.8.0 dbs1 2 openJDK 8 C

BENCH_IMPL: Implementation Variants of Benchmarks

In general, there are different option settings (e.g. index selections) that should be tested for the same program to execute a given benchmark as fast as possible. We call such a combination of benchmark, program and option settings a benchmark implementation. STATUS='B' marks the best implementation that is used in some views to compare different programs. This is selected manually, but there are also views that help to find the best implementation. For instance, we tested the InnoDB und the Memory storage engine for MariaDB. It depended on the input data, which was faster. We selected InnoDB in this table for the main comparison between the systems, but the benchmark database contains results for both.

The current list of benchmark implementations is:

bam j1axy 1 Join1, a(X,Y) [V1: RelAttr, -goto, fullDupCh]
bam j1axy 2 Join1, a(X,Y) [V2: no goto, bitmap-dupcheck]
bam j1axy 3 B Join1, a(X,Y) [V3: goto, bitmap-dupC, cursor]
bam j1axy 4 A Join1, a(X,Y) [V4: functions, bitmap-dupC]
bam j1axy 5 Join1, a(X,Y) [V5: fun without args, bitmap]
bam j1axy 6 A Join1, a(X,Y) [V6: Abstract Machine, bitmap]
bam tcff 1 tc(X,Y) [V1: RelLocalVar]
bam tcff 2 A tc(X,Y) [V2: Cursor Interface, switch]
bam tcff 3 A tc(X,Y) [V3: Seminaive Evaluation]
bam tcff 4 A tc(X,Y) [V4: Functions]
bam tcff 5 B tc(X,Y) [V5: Abstract Machine]
bam loadt 1 A transitive closure data file (with handcrafted loader)
bam loadt 2 B transitive closure data file (with general loader)
bam set1 1 B Set with 1 column, extendible Hash table
bam set2 1 B Set with 2 columns, extendible Hash table
xsb dblp dyn A load_dyn, no index
xsb dblp dync A load_dync, no index
xsb dblp dynin A load_dyn, index on col 1+2
xsb dblp dyncin B load_dync, index on col 1+2
xsb dblp dyntr A load_dyn, trie index
xsb dblp dynctr A load_dync, trie index
xsb j1axyd none B Join1 with duplicates, a(X,Y) [V0: no tabling]
xsb j1axy a Join1, a(X,Y) [V1: only a tabled]
xsb j1axy all Join1, a(X,Y) [V2: all derived preds tabled (subsumptive)]
xsb j1axy allv B Join1, a(X,Y) [V4: all derived preds tabled, variant tabled]
xsb j1axy alli Join1, a(X,Y) [V4: all derived preds tabled, with indexes]
xsb j1axy allt A Join1, a(X,Y) [V5: all derived preds tabled, with trie index]
xsb tcff dyn tc(X,Y) [V1: load_dyn, trie-index for par]
xsb tcff B tc(X,Y) [V2: load_dync, trie-index for par]
xsb tcbf dyn tc(1,X) [V1: load_dyn, trie-index for par]
xsb tcbf B tc(1,X) [V2: load_dync, trie-index for par]
xsb tcbfs slddc B tc(1,X) [V3: SLDMagic, load_dync, trie-index]
xsb tcfb B tc(X,1) [unknown implementation]
xsb wine is B wine ontology [V1: load_dync, subsumptive tabling, std. indexes]
yap dblp 1 B DBLP Benchmark
yap j1axyd none B Join1 with duplicates, a(X,Y) [V0: no tabling]
yap j1axy a Join1, a(X,Y) [V1: only a tabled]
yap j1axy all B Join1, a(X,Y) [V2: all derived preds tabled]
yap tcff B tc(X,Y) [V1: tc tabled]
yap tcbf B tc(1,X) [V1: tc tabled]
yap tcbfs sldm B tc(1,X) [V2: with SLDMagic, all preds tabled]
yap tcfb B tc(X,1) [V1: tc tabled]
yap wine tab B wine ontology [V1: table 225 derived preds, reorder body lits
swipl dblp B DBLP Benchmark
swipl j1axyd B Join1 with duplicates, a(X,Y)
swipl j1axy B Join1, a(X,Y)
swipl tcff B tc(X,Y) [tc tabled]
swipl tcbf B tc(1,X) [tc tabled]
swipl tcbfs sldm B tc(1,X) [with SLDMagic, all preds tabled]
swipl tcfb B tc(X,1) [tc tabled]
swipl wine B wine ontology
sqlite3 tcff B transitive closure [ff] for SQLite3
sqlite3 tcbf B transitive closure [bf] for SQLite3
sqlite3 tcfb B transitive closure [fb] for SQLite3
psql tcff B transitive closure [ff] for PostgreSQL
psql tcbf B transitive closure [bf] for PostgreSQL
psql tcfb B transitive closure [fb] for PostgreSQL
mariadb tcff m A transitive closure for MariaDB, storage manager MEMORY
mariadb tcff i B transitive closure for MariaDB, storage manager InnoDB
mariadb tcbf B transitive closure for MariaDB, unknown storage manager
mariadb tcfb B transitive closure for MariaDB, unknown storage manager
jena tcff B transitive closure [ff] with Property Paths for Apache Jena
jena tcbf B transitive closure [bf] with Property Paths for Apache Jena
jena tcfb B transitive closure [fb] with Property Paths for Apache Jena
datascript tcff B transitive closure for DataScript
souffle tcff B tc(X,Y) [V1: compiled, -j1]

DATA_FILE: Information about Data Files

This a list of data files that can be used as input for a benchmark. Each file has a type ITYPE, and in the table BENCHMARK (see above) it is listed what kind of input is required for a benchmark. For instance, we have many data files that define directed graphs with a predicate par (parent, OpenRuleBench used this name for the transitive closure benchmarks).

Different programs need different file formats, therefore each file is available in several formats such as + Prolog facts (with extension '.P') + Tab-Separated-Values (extension '.tsv') + Comma-separated Values (extension '.csv') + SQL INSERT Statements (extension '.sql') + RDF in Turtle Syntax (extension '.ttl') + JSON (extension '.json') + graphviz (extension '.dot')

The columns of the table are:

The current contents of this table is:

k465 101 GRAPH 216225 3141075 tc_complete_465
k500 102 GRAPH 250000 3640000 tc_complete_500
k585 103 GRAPH 342225 5004675 tc_complete_585
k670 104 GRAPH 448900 6586100 tc_complete_670
k735 105 GRAPH 540225 7941675 tc_complete_735
k795 106 GRAPH 632025 9305475 tc_complete_795
k845 107 GRAPH 714025 10524475 tc_complete_845
k890 108 GRAPH 792100 11685700 tc_complete_890
k930 109 GRAPH 864900 12768900 tc_complete_930
k965 110 GRAPH 931225 13756075 tc_complete_965
k1k 111 GRAPH 1000000 14780000 tc_complete_1000
k2k 112 GRAPH 4000000 63560000 tc_complete_2000
t500 121 GRAPH 124750 1816360 tc_total_500
t585 122 GRAPH 170820 2498060 tc_total_585
t735 123 GRAPH 269745 3965435 tc_total_735
t845 124 GRAPH 356590 5256010 tc_total_845
t930 125 GRAPH 431985 6377585 tc_total_930
t1k 126 GRAPH 499500 7382610 tc_total_1000
t1065 127 GRAPH 566580 8450820 tc_total_1065
t1120 128 GRAPH 626640 9410790 tc_total_1120
t1170 129 GRAPH 683865 10328115 tc_total_1170
t1215 130 GRAPH 737505 11190045 tc_total_1215
t1260 131 GRAPH 793170 12086400 tc_total_1260
t2k 132 GRAPH 1999000 31764110 tc_total_2000
c1k 141 GRAPH 1000 14780 tc_cycle_1000
c2k 142 GRAPH 2000 31780 tc_cycle_2000
c3k 143 GRAPH 3000 48780 tc_cycle_3000
c4k 144 GRAPH 4000 65780 tc_cycle_4000
c10k 145 GRAPH 10000 167780 tc_cycle_10000
c14k1 146 GRAPH 14100 245680 tc_cycle_14100
c17k3 147 GRAPH 17300 306480 tc_cycle_17300
c20k 148 GRAPH 20000 357780 tc_cycle_20000
c22k4 149 GRAPH 22400 403380 tc_cycle_22400
c24k5 150 GRAPH 24500 443280 tc_cycle_24500
c26k5 151 GRAPH 26500 481280 tc_cycle_26500
c28k3 152 GRAPH 28300 515480 tc_cycle_28300
c30k 153 GRAPH 30000 547780 tc_cycle_30000
c31k6 154 GRAPH 31600 578180 tc_cycle_31600
s1k_1 161 GRAPH 2000 29560 tc_shorted_cycle_1000_1
s1k_2 162 GRAPH 3000 44340 tc_shorted_cycle_1000_2
s1k_3 163 GRAPH 4000 59120 tc_shorted_cycle_1000_3
s1k_4 164 GRAPH 5000 73900 tc_shorted_cycle_1000_4
s1k_5 165 GRAPH 6000 88680 tc_shorted_cycle_1000_5
s1k2_1 166 GRAPH 2400 36360 tc_shorted_cycle_1200_1
s1k2_2 167 GRAPH 3600 54540 tc_shorted_cycle_1200_2
s1k2_4 168 GRAPH 6000 90900 tc_shorted_cycle_1200_4
s1k2_5 169 GRAPH 3357 50265 tc_shorted_cycle_1200_5
s2k_1 170 GRAPH 4000 63560 tc_shorted_cycle_2000_1
s2k_2 171 GRAPH 6000 95340 tc_shorted_cycle_2000_2
s2k_3 172 GRAPH 8000 127120 tc_shorted_cycle_2000_3
s2k_4 173 GRAPH 10000 158900 tc_shorted_cycle_2000_4
s2k_5 174 GRAPH 12000 190680 tc_shorted_cycle_2000_5
s2k4_1 175 GRAPH 4800 77160 tc_shorted_cycle_2400_1
s2k4_2 176 GRAPH 7200 115740 tc_shorted_cycle_2400_2
s2k4_4 177 GRAPH 12000 192900 tc_shorted_cycle_2400_4
s2k4_5 178 GRAPH 14400 231480 tc_shorted_cycle_2400_5
s4k8_1 179 GRAPH 9600 158760 tc_shorted_cycle_4800_1
s4k8_2 180 GRAPH 14400 238140 tc_shorted_cycle_4800_2
s4k8_4 181 GRAPH 24000 396900 tc_shorted_cycle_4800_4
s4k8_5 182 GRAPH 28800 476280 tc_shorted_cycle_4800_5
s6k3_1 183 GRAPH 12600 209760 tc_shorted_cycle_6300_1
s6k3_2 184 GRAPH 18900 314640 tc_shorted_cycle_6300_2
s6k3_4 185 GRAPH 31500 524400 tc_shorted_cycle_6300_4
s6k3_5 186 GRAPH 37800 629280 tc_shorted_cycle_6300_5
s7k2_1 187 GRAPH 14400 240360 tc_shorted_cycle_7200_1
s7k2_2 188 GRAPH 21600 360540 tc_shorted_cycle_7200_2
s7k2_4 189 GRAPH 36000 600900 tc_shorted_cycle_7200_4
s7k2_5 190 GRAPH 43200 721080 tc_shorted_cycle_7200_5
s9k_1 191 GRAPH 18000 301560 tc_shorted_cycle_9000_1
s9k_2 192 GRAPH 27000 452340 tc_shorted_cycle_9000_2
s9k_4 193 GRAPH 45000 753900 tc_shorted_cycle_9000_4
s9k_5 194 GRAPH 54000 904680 tc_shorted_cycle_9000_5
s12k_1 195 GRAPH 24000 411560 tc_shorted_cycle_12000_1
s12k_2 196 GRAPH 36000 617340 tc_shorted_cycle_12000_2
s12k_4 197 GRAPH 60000 1028900 tc_shorted_cycle_12000_4
s12k_5 198 GRAPH 72000 1234680 tc_shorted_cycle_12000_5
s13k5_1 199 GRAPH 27000 468560 tc_shorted_cycle_13500_1
s13k5_2 200 GRAPH 40500 702840 tc_shorted_cycle_13500_2
s13k5_4 201 GRAPH 67500 1171400 tc_shorted_cycle_13500_4
s13k5_5 202 GRAPH 81000 1405680 tc_shorted_cycle_13500_5
s15k9_1 203 GRAPH 31800 559760 tc_shorted_cycle_15900_1
s15k9_2 204 GRAPH 47700 839640 tc_shorted_cycle_15900_2
s15k9_4 205 GRAPH 79500 1399400 tc_shorted_cycle_15900_4
s15k9_5 206 GRAPH 95400 1679280 tc_shorted_cycle_15900_5
s18k6_1 207 GRAPH 37200 662360 tc_shorted_cycle_18600_1
s18k6_2 208 GRAPH 55800 993540 tc_shorted_cycle_18600_2
s18k6_4 209 GRAPH 93000 1655900 tc_shorted_cycle_18600_4
s18k6_5 210 GRAPH 111600 1987080 tc_shorted_cycle_18600_5
p1k 221 GRAPH 999 14767 tc_path_1000
p2k 222 GRAPH 1999 31766 tc_path_2000
p3k 223 GRAPH 2999 48766 tc_path_3000
p4k 224 GRAPH 3999 65766 tc_path_4000
p14k1 225 GRAPH 14099 245665 tc_path_14100
p20k 226 GRAPH 19999 357765 tc_path_20000
p24k5 227 GRAPH 24499 443265 tc_path_24500
p28k3 228 GRAPH 28299 515465 tc_path_28300
p31k6 229 GRAPH 31599 578165 tc_path_31600
p34k6 230 GRAPH 34599 635165 tc_path_34600
p37k4 231 GRAPH 37399 688365 tc_path_37400
p40k 232 GRAPH 39999 737765 tc_path_40000
p42k4 233 GRAPH 42399 783365 tc_path_42400
p44k7 234 GRAPH 44699 827065 tc_path_44700
m4_2ki 241 GRAPH 6144 103341 tc_multipath_4_2048
m16_512 242 GRAPH 7680 128966 tc_multipath_16_512
m64_128 243 GRAPH 8064 135110 tc_multipath_64_128
m256_32 244 GRAPH 8160 136579 tc_multipath_256_32
m1ki_8 245 GRAPH 8184 136938 tc_multipath_1024_8
m4ki_2 246 GRAPH 8190 137022 tc_multipath_4096_2
b17 251 GRAPH 131070 2488088 tc_bintree_17
b18 252 GRAPH 262142 5171672 tc_bintree_18
b19 253 GRAPH 524286 10676696 tc_bintree_19
b20 254 GRAPH 1048574 21735320 tc_bintree_20
b21 255 GRAPH 2097150 44901144 tc_bintree_21
b22 256 GRAPH 4194302 93135640 tc_bintree_22
b23 257 GRAPH 8388606 189604632 tc_bintree_23
b24 258 GRAPH 16777214 389319832 tc_bintree_24
b25 259 GRAPH 33554430 805527448 tc_bintree_25
b26 260 GRAPH 67108862 1644388248 tc_bintree_26
y500_4k 271 GRAPH 4499 74378 tc_y_500_4000
y500_8k 272 GRAPH 8499 142378 tc_y_500_8000
y1k_4k 273 GRAPH 4999 83876 tc_y_1000_4000
y1k_8k 274 GRAPH 8999 151876 tc_y_1000_8000
y1k_15k 275 GRAPH 15999 282877 tc_y_1000_15000
y1k_25k 276 GRAPH 25999 472877 tc_y_1000_25000
y1k_35k 277 GRAPH 35999 662877 tc_y_1000_35000
y5k_15k 278 GRAPH 19999 358877 tc_y_5000_15000
y5k_25k 279 GRAPH 29999 548877 tc_y_5000_25000
y5k_35k 280 GRAPH 39999 738877 tc_y_5000_35000
y10k_15k 281 GRAPH 24999 463875 tc_y_10000_15000
y10k_25k 282 GRAPH 34999 653875 tc_y_10000_25000
y10k_35k 283 GRAPH 44999 843875 tc_y_10000_35000
u1k_50k 301 GRAPH 50000 739011 tc_uniform_1000_50000
u1k_125k 302 GRAPH 125000 1847511 tc_uniform_1000_125000
u1k_250k 303 GRAPH 250000 3695016 tc_uniform_1000_250000
u2k_200k 304 GRAPH 200000 3178014 tc_uniform_2000_200000
u2k_250k 305 GRAPH 250000 3972534 tc_uniform_2000_250000
u2k_500k 306 GRAPH 500000 7944982 tc_uniform_2000_500000
u2k_1m 307 GRAPH 1000000 15890006 tc_uniform_2000_1000000
a1k_50k 311 GRAPH 50000 738966 tc_acyc_1000_50000
a1k_125k 312 GRAPH 125000 1847531 tc_acyc_1000_125000
a1k_250k 313 GRAPH 250000 3695001 tc_acyc_1000_250000
a2k_200k 314 GRAPH 200000 3177896 tc_acyc_2000_200000
a2k_500k 315 GRAPH 500000 7944738 tc_acyc_2000_500000
a2k_1m 316 GRAPH 1000000 15890152 tc_acyc_2000_1000000
f1 401 GRAPH 50000 689318 tc_d1000_parsize50000_xsb_nocyc
f2 402 GRAPH 50000 689318 tc_d1000_parsize50000_xsb_cyc
f3 403 GRAPH 250000 3446506 tc_d1000_parsize250000_xsb_nocyc
f4 404 GRAPH 250000 3446506 tc_d1000_parsize250000_xsb_cyc
f5 405 GRAPH 500000 6893031 tc_d1000_parsize500000_xsb_nocyc
f6 406 GRAPH 500000 6893031 tc_d1000_parsize500000_xsb_cyc
f7 407 GRAPH 500000 7446477 tc_d2000_parsize500000_xsb_nocyc
f8 408 GRAPH 500000 7446477 tc_d2000_parsize500000_xsb_cyc
f9 409 GRAPH 1000000 14892982 tc_d2000_parsize1000000_xsb_nocyc
f10 410 GRAPH 1000000 14892982 tc_d2000_parsize1000000_xsb_cyc
10k 501 JOIN1 50000 639300 d1000_relsize10000_xsb_cyc
50k 502 JOIN1 250000 3196504 d1000_relsize50000_xsb_cyc
250k 503 JOIN1 1250000 15982480 d1000_relsize250000_xsb_cyc
std 601 DBLP 2437867 128444409 dblp
big 602 DBLP 50221773 3082908204 dblp_big
wdat 701 WINE 654 26386 wine_data

GRAPH_TYPES: For Classifying Graphs (A Subclass of Input Files)

A subclass of the input data files are graphs. This table defines types of graphs that can be used e.g. for subheadlines in the list of data files.

The current list of graph types is:

K 1 Complete Graph (with loops)
T 2 Total Order Graph (i.e. maximal acyclic graph)
C 3 Cycle Graph
S 4 Cycle Graph with Shortcuts
P 5 Path
M 6 Multi-Path
B 7 Binary Tree
Y 8 Y-Graph (many nodes pointing to first node of path)
U 9 Random Graph with Uniform Node Degrees
A 10 Random Acyclic Graph with Uniform Node Degrees

GRAPH_DATA: More Data on Data Files That are Directed Graphs

A subset of the data files describe directed graphs (the data files with ITYPE='GRAPH'). This table contains additional attributes for those data file (properties of the graph). We need some of the attributes for out work on runtime estimation. We computed these numbers from the data files also as an additional safety measure to find possible errors in the graph-generating program. For instance, the program used in the OpenRuleBench did produce duplicate edges for acyclic graphs.

The current contents of this table is:

k500 K 500 500 250000 0 Y 500 500 500 500 Y 250000 1 125250000
k1k K 1000 1000 1000000 0 Y 1000 1000 1000 1000 Y 1000000 1 1001000000
k2k K 2000 2000 4000000 0 Y 2000 2000 2000 2000 Y 4000000 1 8004000000
t500 T 500 500 124750 0 N 0 499 0 499 N 124750 1 62126000
t1k T 1000 1000 499500 0 N 0 999 0 999 N 499500 1 166666500
t2k T 2000 2000 1999000 0 N 0 1999 0 1999 N 1999000 1 1333333000
c1k C 1000 1000 1000 0 N 1 1 1 1 Y 1000000 1000 1001000
c2k C 2000 2000 2000 0 N 1 1 1 1 Y 4000000 2000 4002000
c3k C 3000 3000 3000 0 N 1 1 1 1 Y 9000000 3000 9003000
c4k C 4000 4000 4000 0 N 1 1 1 1 Y 16000000 4000 16004000
s1k_1 S 1000 1 1000 2000 0 N 2 2 2 2 Y 1000000 500 2002000
s1k_2 S 1000 2 1000 3000 0 N 3 3 3 3 Y 1000000 201 3003000
s1k_3 S 1000 3 1000 4000 0 N 4 4 4 4 Y 1000000 250 4004000
s1k_4 S 1000 4 1000 5000 0 N 5 5 5 5 Y 1000000 200 5005000
s1k_5 S 1000 5 1000 6000 0 N 6 6 6 6 Y 1000000 42 6006000
s2k_1 S 2000 1 2000 4000 0 N 2 2 2 2 Y 4000000 1000 8004000
s2k_2 S 2000 2 2000 6000 0 N 3 3 3 3 Y 4000000 288 12006000
s2k_3 S 2000 3 2000 8000 0 N 4 4 4 4 Y 4000000 500 16008000
s2k_4 S 2000 4 2000 10000 0 N 5 5 5 5 Y 4000000 400 20010000
s2k_5 S 2000 5 2000 12000 0 N 6 6 6 6 Y 4000000 127 24012000
p1k P 1000 1000 999 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 499500 999 499500
p2k P 2000 2000 1999 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 1999000 1999 1999000
p3k P 3000 3000 2999 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 4498500 2999 4498500
p4k P 4000 4000 3999 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 7998000 3999 7998000
m4_2ki M 4 2048 8192 6144 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 12288 3 12288
m16_512 M 16 512 8192 7680 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 61440 15 61440
m64_128 M 64 128 8192 8064 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 258048 63 258048
m256_32 M 256 32 8192 8160 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 1044480 255 1044480
m1ki_8 M 1024 8 8192 8184 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 4190208 1023 4190208
m4ki_2 M 4096 2 8192 8190 0 N 0 1 0 1 N 16773120 4095 16773120
b17 B 17 131071 131070 0 N 0 1 0 2 N 1966082 16 1966082
b18 B 18 262143 262142 0 N 0 1 0 2 N 4194306 17 4194306
b19 B 19 524287 524286 0 N 0 1 0 2 N 8912898 18 8912898
y500_4k Y 500 4000 4500 4499 0 N 0 500 0 1 N 9998000 4000 9998000
y500_8k Y 500 8000 8500 8499 0 N 0 500 0 1 N 35996000 8000 35996000
y1k_4k Y 1000 4000 5000 4999 0 N 0 1000 0 1 N 11998000 4000 11998000
y1k_8k Y 1000 8000 9000 8999 0 N 0 1000 0 1 N 39996000 8000 39996000
u1k_50k U 1000 50000 1000 50000 0 N 46 51 46 51 Y 1000000 3 50050000
u1k_125k U 1000 125000 1000 125000 0 N 122 127 122 127 Y 1000000 2 125125000
u1k_250k U 1000 250000 1000 250000 0 N 248 251 248 251 Y 1000000 2 250250000
u2k_200k U 2000 200000 2000 200000 0 N 98 101 98 101 Y 4000000 3 400200000
u2k_500k U 2000 500000 2000 500000 0 N 248 251 248 251 Y 4000000 2 1000500000
u2k_1m U 2000 1000000 2000 1000000 0 N 499 502 499 502 Y 4000000 2 2001000000
a1k_50k A 1000 50000 1000 50000 0 N 0 102 0 102 N 471621 8 15269270
a1k_125k A 1000 125000 1000 125000 0 N 0 250 0 250 N 492680 5 40853746
a1k_250k A 1000 250000 1000 250000 0 N 0 500 0 501 N 497763 4 82941061
a2k_200k A 2000 200000 2000 200000 0 N 0 201 0 201 N 1944729 8 128420988
a2k_500k A 2000 500000 2000 500000 0 N 0 500 0 500 N 1985321 6 330666855
a2k_1m A 2000 1000000 2000 1000000 0 N 0 1000 0 1000 N 1995698 4 666033613

BENCH_RUN: Results of Benchmark Runs

This is finally the main table, in which the runtime of benchmark runs is stored.

There are three sources for timing information: Measurements done by the program itself, external measurements done with /usr/bin/time, and measurements through the /proc/[procid]/stats virtual file system.

In order to distinguish between the time needed for loading the data and for executing the query, we printed these times from the program that runs the benchmark (where possible). For instance, Prolog systems usually have a timing function. In addition, we printed the total runtime as computed by the program itself. This should normally be simply the sum of load time and execution time. It differs from the externally measured time by not including the time needed for compiling the program. If the program can compute CPU time and real time (wallclock time), we selected CPU time. If that is not available, we take wallclock time. These measurements are anyway not used for comparisons between the programs. They are used to analyze where the runtime is used up. For instance, XSB was earlier quite slow in loading the data (this was improved with load_dync), but fast in query execution.

The CPU time in user mode (USER_TIME), the CPU time in system/kernel mode (SYS_TIME) and the REAL_TIME are measured externally with /usr/bin/time. They should be comparable for all systems.

We also measured 'maximum resident set size' with /usr/bin/time. This is the 'high water mark' for the amount of memory a process uses and that is present in real RAM (e.g., not swapped out). It includes shared libraries (as far as actually used).

For server-based systems such as MariaDB and PostgreSQL the measurements are more difficult, because we cannot use /usr/bin/time for the server process. The startup time for the server process is not included.

All times are stored in seconds.

ESTIMATE_PAR: Experimental Table for Runtime Estimation Parameters

These are parameters for a formula that tries to generate an approximation of the measured runtime from characteristics of the input data. Currently, it is only used for the tcff benchmark. Note that more than one set of parameters can be stored for the same program. It is possible to compare the proposed parameters in this way.

DUMMY_TAB: Dummy Table with Exactly One Row

This is used in some views (to write a FROM clause).

The table has only one column:

The table contents is:


Views for Analyzing the Collected Data

Sorry, currently we can only list the views. More documentation will be added later.

Statistical Evaluation of Run Data:

Outlier Detection, Checking of Results for Plausibility

Views with Benchmark Results for a Specific System

There is one view for each tested program that lists the benchmark results for that program.

Views to Find/Check Best Option Settings for a System and a Benchmark

These views are intended to help finding/checking the best implementation of a benchmark for a program, e.g. which indexes should be chosen. The views consider only the runtimes of the current program version (installation) on the standard machine.

Views for Plots of Performance Data vs. Cost Measures (only for TCFF)

We use these views for getting the data for plots of performance data vs. cost measures, in particular the run time vs. the number of applicable rule instances. The results are available in csv and tsv formats. These views look only at the current program version (installation) on the standard machine, with the best implementation of the benchmark for the system (best indexes, options).

Benchmark Results for TCFF - Comparison of Different Systems

The following views are for comparing system runtimes for the TCFF benchmark. These views look only at the current program version (installation) on the standard machine, with the best implementation of the benchmark for the system (best indexes, options).

Graph Data in Various Formats

Support for Reasearch on Runtime Estimation

Output Table Data in Markdown Format (for Documentation)